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How to pay road toll in vadlaheidi tunnel?

Drivers need to pay road toll when they drive through the Vadlaheidi Tunnel and it is unique in the fact that there are no toll booths or pay machines around. Instead, travellers must visit and pay the 1.500 ISK fee for each single trip via card, either 24 hours prior to or after their trip through the tunnel.

How do I pay for a journey on Tyne tunnels?

Step 1 – Open the Tyne Tunnels app and select option 2. Step 2 – Click “Get Started” to Pay for a Passage, or the option below to check your remaining journeys. Step 3 – Enter your Vehicle Registration Number and confirm your vehicle. Step 4 – Select how many journeys you’d like to pay for along with your email address.

Where is the tunnel on the Ring Road in Iceland?

The tunnel is right next to Iceland’s second-largest town, Akureyri, and even though it only shortens the Ring Road by approximately 16km it eliminates the need for travellers to drive over the Víkurskarð mountain heath, which can be difficult and dangerous in winter.

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